Local Area Traffic Management Plans
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The Quantum Traffic team are specialists in undertaking LATM studies required by local councils to assist with the management of their road network and provide holistic solutions and recommendations.
What is a LATM Study?
Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) is the process of reviewing local street networks to identify existing issues and develop solutions. LATM studies typically focus on engineering solutions (i.e. physical infrastructure), but also consider enforcement and education.
An LATM study seeks to engage the local community to identify issues and develop solutions for their own local area. This typically includes a public meeting to introduce the review to the local community and the formation of a community reference group to provide input at multiple stages of the project.
The key output of an LATM study is the preparation of Traffic Management Planning in Sydney, Melbourne or Canberra local areas, which can include the staged implementation of recommended traffic management items.
When is a LATM Needed?
Councils typically conduct LATM studies to assist with managing their road network. Many municipalities in Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney have introduced LATM programs for the continual review of their local areas.
LATM studies are particularly good at considering traffic management issues on an area-wide basis. This results in holistic solutions for a local area, rather than localised reactive solutions.
The LATM process is also helpful in engaging the local community and providing a level of ‘ownership’ for the developed traffic management plan.
Why Choose Quantum Traffic?
The Quantum Traffic team has the specialist skills required to undertake LATM studies.
Our strengths include:
Community Consultation - The communication skills and methods adopted by Quantum Traffic achieve successful outcomes. We have a strong history in developing relationships with other technical professionals, council officers and community members. We pride ourselves on the delivery of complex traffic concepts to a broad audience.
Technical Ability - The core of any LATM study is a strong technical ability to understand critical issues, then develop practical and sensible solutions.
Quality Output - Quantum Traffic produces high-quality reports and plans that are suitable for circulation to the community, as well as for council meetings.
The team at Quantum Traffic understand the technical aspects of LATM plans and are experienced in the local community setting.
To start talking about your Local Area Traffic Management Planning Canberra, Sydney or Melbourne requirements, contact the Quantum Traffic team. Our wide-ranging experience with councils and technical expertise makes us the perfect partners.
For a free, no-obligation quote for Local Traffic Management Planning in Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra, call us now on (04) 39 893 288, or fill in our simple contact form.