It's the small issues that can lead to hold-ups and council refusals being issued.
You submit your traffic plans to council and everything looks great - but the transitions/grades are wrong, manoeuvring areas may not be sufficient, columns not located in the correct envelopes.
You have to re-submit and it's the tiniest of details holding up your whole application. How frustrating!
How we can help:
We see this very commonly at Quantum Traffic. All that work going into designing, planning, documenting and ticking every box, but remember council have their own experts too.
Traffic engineering is one area that requires a keen eye for specific details.
We would give two pieces of advice in this instance:
If you are having this issue right now, we can undertake a quick assessment or provide a full traffic impact assessment, followed by preparing a letter that goes straight to council.
We'll look at the grades, swept paths and overall design, to ensure council understands that you have addressed their comments and can simply rubber-stamp the plans, so you can move on.

That happens regularly because in our experience, a lot of architects/building designers prefer to design what is above the ground rather than the basement car park/garages/ vehicle manoeuvring areas and things like that, which can be left to a Traffic Engineer.
Preferably, you can bring a traffic engineer at the start so you can cover off these potential issues - and do a quick and cost-effective assessment of your plans too.
Simple. And less frustration for you and your team.
Excellent advice. A high quality Transport Impact Assessment Report or Parking Report will significantly reduce the possibility of a development not being approved. If residents don't want a development they will usually raise concerns with parking and traffic so it is important that these are adequately assessed and addressed in terms of traffic and transport planning criteria.